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  • The Cleveland Film Festival is jam packed with a variety of goodness
The Cleveland Film Festival is jam packed with a variety of goodness

Just how are you supposed to choose among the 300 different viewings at the 36th Annual Ceveland International Film Festival? Well you can’t really go wrong it seems, after attending day number three (we think we might go broke since we will be making daily visits to Tower City Theatre throughout the next week).

The fest opened with the annual Gala, sponsored by Dollar Bank; tickets were a bit pricey: $100 for CIFF members and $125 for the public, but we still wish we would have splurged (who wouldn’t want to sip champagne at the Tower City Plaza for a Nesting post party?).

If you’re in the Cleveland area anytime between now and April 1 and have an interest in seeing movies from over 60 countries, head to Tower City to scope what  hundreds of filmmakers from all ends of the world have been working on. Parking is free with a stamped ticket, and there’s conveniently food, coffee, and all the amenities you need for the expected hours you’ll probably end up spending downtown.

The festival is also encouraging support for their Challenge Match, in which they are setting a goal to reach $75,000 by the end of the festival (Cuyahoga Arts & Culture will match whatever amount they get, so this is huge). If you’re an advocate for film enthusiasts and creators, then spare a few dollars to support spreading the love of film and the continuation of film advocacy and education. As of this morning they have raised a little over $13,000.

Oh, and the design work for this year’s theme, “Get Carried Away” is an adorable whale floating around in a parachute / hot air balloon-like design created by Twist Creative, Inc.; they’ve set up shop so you can purchase t-shirts and posters for a piece of CIFF to take home with you.

Happy watching, film lovers!

(photo taken via Instagram at Tower City Theatre)

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.